Moving Melton

Transport Prospectus 2025

Melton Highway: Duplication and urbanisation

The Melton Highway is a critical connection between the Western Highway and the Calder Freeway. The road is not suitable for the high volume of traffic using the road. It is rural standard with unsealed shoulders, open drains and non-existent pedestrian facilities. 


Melton Highway from The Regency in Hillside to Leakes Road Melton is currently estimated to carry 34,000 vehicles per day. This will increase to 45,000 vehicles per day by 2031 according to traffic modelling commissioned by Council.


67,000 new residents are expected to be added along the Melton Highway by 2046.


In the five-year period between October 2019 to September 2024 there were 83 traffic accident related injuries recorded on the Melton Highway including 29 serious injuries. We estimate the cost to the community has been $25,356,682 over the five years. 


70,000 new residents are expected to be added along the Melton Highway by 2051.


In the five-year period between 2015 and 2019 (pre-COVID), there were 76 traffic accidents recorded on the Melton Highway including 30 serious crashes. In total 46 people have been injured in that period.  


  • Melton Highway upgraded to urban standard and duplicated from The Regency Hillside to Leakes Road Melton

  • Plumpton Road intersection signalised

  • New pedestrian and cycling path on both sides of the Highway

Economic benefits

Independent analysis by Clarity Consult, based on the Melton Integrated Transport Model, found that duplication of the Melton Highway would see a positive Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.5 over 30 years.

This means the total benefits of the project outweigh the cost by 1.5 to 1.

The estimated project cost of $112 million will see total economic benefits of $166 million.  

Over 30 years this figure includes:

  • 67,000 hours of travel time saved

  • 37% reduction in crashes or 98 less crashes

  • 50% reduction or 2,100 tonnes less greenhouse gases

*The Victorian Government has committed $14.9 million to duplicate the Melton Highway between Crown Drive and The Regency in Plumpton.

• Project design

• Traffic projections at 2041

• Artists render of the completed project

• Project benefits