Moving Melton
Transport Prospectus 2025
Bus Network
Over 120,000 residents, or 45,000 properties, have no access to public transport within 10 minutes walking distance. Where there are bus routes peak frequency of most routes is 30 minutes and services are indirect, with travel time often close to twice that of travelling by car.
The poor service is reflected in the fact that only 1% of trips made in the City of Melton are by bus.
All of the services within Melton township (453, 455, 457, 458 and 459) have declined in patronage while the population of Melton has increased significantly between 2014 and 2019 (pre-COVID).
We seek a reconfiguration of the bus network to create more frequent and direct routes with existing resources.
As an example, the review of the City of Wyndham’s bus network in 2015 unwound complex and confusing routes and integrated new routes with train stations. The reformed network introduced a hierarchy of reconfigured bus routes that boosted service levels, major trunk routes were straightened, poorly performing routes restructured and merged, and frequencies improved. By 2019, weekday patronage was up 25 per cent and 40 per cent on weekends.
Reconfiguration of the bus network to create more frequent and direct routes with existing resources.
An additional $10 million per annum over time for new connections into growth areas within the municipality and to create east-west and north-south connections.
Use the map below
Note: this map only works from a desktop browser.
View existing, reconfigured at no cost, and additional investment bus network scenarios for the City of Melton.
Drop ‘Jane’ to a spot on the map to test the different scenarios and how it affects the community.
Click on existing bus routes or new bus routes (on the right-hand side) to see frequency and travel times.
Click on job data (on the left-hand side) to see how many jobs can be accessed within one hour of travel time under each scenario. For example, ‘Jane’ in Aintree can access 530 jobs within one-hour travel time today or 10,500 jobs within one hour in the $10 million network.
• Existing routes
• 10 million per year
Select proposed cost: